A few months ago kiddo 2 chose a pair of Nike Air Max 90's to wear as his indoor shoes at school. I immediately decided that this kid was on to something and that was the start of my search for a pair to buy for myself.
You know when you decide that you want to buy something and then you begin to see it/them everywhere? (I'm looking at you Pinterest). That's what totally happened. Part of me wondered why I never thought of buying a pair sooner. I mean really, they are a great option for casual chic. Not that I look casual chic when I'm rocking these bad boys, but it doesn't hurt to think that that's how you look! ha!
shoes // tote // jacket (similar) // jeans (sold out - similar) // sweater (J.Crew Factory) // fingerless gloves - old from Old Navy
Oh and you can find the shoes here.
Do you have a pair?

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