
Monday, January 9, 2012

I've never really been known for my decision making abilities.  I ponder, I think, I debate, I wonder "what if", I worry. 

It's taken me a very long time to come to this decision, but I now know that it's the right one.

I will be closing my Etsy shop, elliven.  I think that this has been a long time coming, and it's very, very, very bittersweet.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
~Steve Jobs

This year has been a very busy year here in our house, and it doesn't look as though things will be slowing down anytime soon.  If anything, 2012 will be even busier than 2011 (more on that to come soon!!!).  Something had to give.  I slowed down production, I minimized my item list and yet I still didn't feel as though I could keep up.  It's not just the sewing, it's all of the things that go on behind the scenes.  Shipping, packaging, ordering, correspondence, promoting, photography, listing, etc.  

Right now, I need to focus entirely on my family and what's happening here right now (again, more to come on this soon).  Things are just so very busy and with my husband being deployed for part of the summer in 2011 and his schedule continuing to be somewhat demanding, I need to be here, 100% for my kiddos, my husband and myself.

That being said, is this a permanent closure….

Nope, definitely not.

Do I play to continue to sew….

Yes, absolutely!!!

Will I continue to create and design items while the shop is closed…..

You can count on it!

As to when the shop will reopen, I truly don't know as of yet, but it will most likely be sometime in the fall.

My dream has always been and continues to be to design and create beautiful pieces and to run and manage a successful shop. But, I truly feel that there is a long way for me to go and therefore only giving it 50% and getting to where I want to be, is just not realistic.  I hope to come back with a lovely brand for elliven, to have a clear business plan and I'll be able to take things to the next level….

I plan to come back stronger than ever!

I will continue to blog and I hope you will continue to follow along! 

I want to thank you.  Thank you so much for all of your support, your kind words and love.  It has meant SO much to me!  I am truly thankful.

So here's to a new chapter….

and with that, I will be offering a closing out sale, a See You Soon sale.....

save 30% on everything in ths shop with coupon code: SEEYOUSOON

The sale will continue until all/most of the stock is gone.  You can find the shop here.



  1. Congratulations on following your heart and doing what is right for you and your family at this time. I know it can't have been an easy decision but your family has to come first. I'll be sad to see your shop close but will be happy reading the blog and chatting to you on Twitter when you have time. Have a great year! Isa x
    P.S You look freezing in those photos!!

  2. So brave for making such a difficult decision but even more brave for saying no to say yes. Love love love this!

    And I agree with Isa, you look freezing!!!

  3. So sad to see you closing, but I completely understand! It's a lot of work! Can't wait to see what you've got in the works. ;)

  4. Follow your heart. Sounds like you are making the right decision.

    Good things come to good people.
    If there's anything I can do to help - just ask :-)


  5. Definitely a tough decision, but it sounds like a good one for both you and your family. All the best for the busy times ahead—I have a feeling I'll be in the same boat shortly ;)

  6. thank you everyone for your kind words of support! it really and truly means so much to me! I can't thank you enough!

  7. I know it's hard but you'll see you've made the right decision for yourself. I think you'll be surprised to learn that it will balance out and you'll not feel that dreaded "can't keep up" feeling. I took a long hiatus when we moved and my life has changed for the better. I needed to slow down. My family needed me to slow down. I'm getting back into production but on my terms. I think that is very important.

    I look forward to hearing about your transition and seeing you come back stronger than ever and on your terms.

  8. I think you'll be happy with the choice. Love the photos so much. Beautiful.

  9. Not an easy decision... Family first is my motto and you are doing the right thing! Huge hugs to you!

  10. Good luck with whatever you choose to do in the future. I'm sure if you follow your heart, it will be awesome! :D


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