Curls and Print

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello beautiful friends! How is everyone doing?

So believe it or not, I have pretty darn curly hair.  I love to straighten it, well, not the process of straightening it, that's a total pain but I love how it looks straight vs curly.  That being said, it's kind of funny because I do love my curls, but just not on me.  Weird huh?  But this fighting them thing is getting kind of old, and so now I'm embracing them, working with what I have.  If I don't like the way my curls are looking on a particular day I just pull them back into a ponytail, voila!

So here's to curls and prints! Hooray! (I apologize for the poor quality of the photos, I'm working on it, I promise).

top - gap
necklace - in honor of design (shop is no longer open, but she has an amazing blog)

So here's to working with what we're given vs fighting it.

Don't forget that you can save 30% on your order in the shop! I will be closing it once all/most items are sold!



  1. You are so gorgeous! I love the curls best! Your straight hair is lovely but the curls (maybe because I also have wild curly big hair) are my favourite. The direction your blog is taking is so fun, fashionista sister!

  2. Love this necklace with that top! So cute! and your hair..I'm envious!

    found the route

  3. You know I love the curls. The bigger, the better.

  4. Oh you have some really beautiful and curly hair. Why do you straighten it? I know a bunch of girls who would kill for that hair--or just buy expensive hair products :D

  5. I love your hair, I always wanted to have curly hair!

    I'm a new follower :)

  6. thanks for all of the curly hair love ladies! It's definitely taking some getting used to, and I'm not quite sure why that is, but I'm absolutely enjoying the curls now that I'm wearing them down! Thanks for the follow as well!!!!

  7. Okay 1) I think your hair is absolutely gorgeous. You wear it both ways so well! I hope you wear it this way more often. I am partial to curly/wavy hair:)

    2) I just read your post about your shop closing. I know its always hard to let something go that you are passionate about but the beautiful thing is, you are letting it go for something you love greater! Your children may not know it now, but they will have the memories of your love and dedication. That is what I keep telling myself at least;) I realized that since closing my shop, I have been less stressed and all around more happy. It took me to step aside to see it though!
    Checking out the shop to take advantage!

  8. Girl, you've been fighting THAT gorgeousness? So glad you've come to your senses!


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