Planting Bulbs, Fresh Flowers and a Circuit That You Must Try

Monday, January 20, 2014

It's Monday, the 20th of January, which means that IDS14 is only 3.days.away. You guys, I'm excited!  I'm trying to figure out what to wear to the opening night party.  I don't want to be too fancy, but I do however want to get dressed up because this momma doesn't get out all that often! ha! Truth.

So last week I mentioned how I was going to treat myself to some real flowers every now and then.  I kept my promise and you know what, I'm glad I did.  I picked up a couple of bouquets from our local grocery store (carnations, holla!) while shopping and they totally did the trick.

I placed one bouquet in the living room and the other in the family room.  Lovely, lovely!  Don't dismiss those grocery store bouquet, they can most definitely work magic and freshen up any space!

You know by now that I love using vintage pieces as vases, I absolutely adore this water pitcher!

I picked up this white vase from Ikea, I love the delicate doily like trim along the top.  The woven tray is from Homesense.  I have a purchased a few trays over the years.  I find them to be a wise investment and I swap them out/move them around every now and then to freshen things up.

Okay, so I bought more than two bouquets of flowers, but really.....these hyacinths scream spring and though I'm not trying to rush time away, I love a touch of spring in the home!  They were being sold in a plastic pot, so I simply repotted them into a ceramic bowl once I arrived home.

Do you treat yourself to fresh blooms every now and then?

Also, I started working out again, oh goodness, I can hardly move today.  But it's a good pain, right?!  Anyhow, I've always loved running but I needed to add something more, so I'm giving circuit training a go and honestly, it was awesome!  I tried one of the circuits on my lovely friend, Candice's blog and it was killer (in a good way).  You can find the circuit I did here.  Can I say that those bulgarian split lunges are no joke. No.they.are.not.

Giddy up, get going, happy Monday.



  1. Have a great time on your night out! You deserve it!
    I like to bring spring in about now too. Crisp and fresh!

  2. Enjoy IDS! It's a lot of fun and inspiring, I found when I went the last couple of years. I used to loathe carnations but I now like them en masse!


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