Gold Tray Must Have and Walls That Will No Longer Be Bare

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January is typically such a wonky month for me.  Resolutions, reflection, determination all turn into an overwhelming urge to just throw my hands up and revert back to wherever it was that I was before.

Anyhow, that being said....I seem to be keeping on track this year (even though we're only 8 days in).  There's been a few things that have happened that have resulted in me taking a good look at myself and figuring out how I work best.  I've learned that I do need to write things down and I do need to plan but that doesn't mean that if things come up, or if I'm not able to finish everything as planned that I've failed or that because they are written down, that it's written in stone.  Oh no, I am able to be flexible, I just have to rejig and work around it.  Writing things down just helps me stay focused and keeps me from feeling overwhelmed.  If I neglect to write my goals/to do list down, then they are all jumbled into one, totally and utterly chaotic mess in my head, which results in mini break downs and spontaneous outburst.  A little dramatic I suppose, huh?  None the less, it is what it is, but I'm happy to have found a way to work around/with it.

With that, the living room and dining rooms need to be finished, I'm just ready to have these rooms that are soooo very close to being done, done.  I'm so excited to have already ordered some prints and to  have picked some others out.  It will take a bit of time to get everything as the money tree I planted in the backyard still isn't producing dollar bills, yo.

I've gone back and forth on whether or not if I should share pics of what I have planned.  I decided to hold off, for now at least.  Yes, me, who loves to share sneak peeks every mili second, just said that.  However, I can not promise that I won't be sharing any sneak peeks on instagram, I'm kinda known to do that a lot.

What I can show you is where the art will go, well, one of the spots.

that empty wall won't be empty much longer....

In other news, I took advantage of the amazing deals at Chapters over the holidays.  This gold tray is everything and more.  Seriously, I'm loving it!  I'm all about things that are square lately, from anything to frames & photos to trays.  Not quite sure what that's all about.  What I do know is that if you're able to get your hands on one of these gorgeous trays, you should do just that.  And buy it of course.  I also picked up the silver glass votive, again, on sale.

 I'm excited to finish off these two rooms and the family room, which is next on my list.  The list is super long, but I'm not feeling stressed or anxious about it.  I've come to realize that it's just going to take time.  I think there will be a lot of progress this year, but it will span over the entire year, which is totally fine!  I compromised a bit last year on things that I kinda, sorta liked and that were kinda, sorta what I was looking for to only decide that I really do want the real thing.  So this year, I'm going to do my best on not compromising as much and to indulge in real flowers.  I do love my faux flowers, but some real florals here and there would be even better.


1 comment:

  1. Yay to the gold tray! I'm still deciding where to put mine!


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