#IDS14 Recap Preview, Snow and More Snow and Touches of Spring

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow day!  And honestly, I'm so happy! Yes, I just said that.  Though the downside is that it's freezing cold out, so we won't be able to get out to play in all of the fresh snow. Tomorrow, tomorrow.

Okay, did you watch the Grammys last night? I love the Grammys, though last night's show was a bit wonky.  I dunno, I'd be totally into it and then they'd lose me for about 30 mins.

Don't get me wrong, she's one talented lady, but this tweet was awesome.

Honestly, Old Man Winter is angry, very angry.  We got so much snow the past couple of days, it's been unreal.  On Saturday we shovelled and shovelled and shovelled, though I have to admit, the entire family was out there and we all had a blast.  Reminded me of being a kid and absolutely loving the tall mounds of snowing.

hubs says shovelling is a great workout, which I know is true but I can guarantee you that we will be purchasing a snowblower in the near future.

Remember the branches I spoke of last week and the hyacinths?  Both are blooming like crazy and our house is slowly taking on the look and scent of spring, which is right.around.the.corner. right? Darn Old Man Winter.

So last week I headed to Toronto for #IDS14.  First timer here and I had so much fun.  I had the pleasure of meeting up with some amazing bloggers and interior designers that I absolutely adore, that alone was fabulous.   I was given media access which allowed me to tour the show on Trade Day and I have a bunch of photos and a glorious recap to share, but that will come later in the week.

For now, I have a quick sneak peek of what you'll see in the recap.

since we used hubs hotel points to book the hotel, I had access to the executive lounge. note to self, always book hotel rooms with hubs points and leave him home with the kids. ha!

Cocoon furnishings launched Aerin Lauder's home collection at the show. The photos, no matter how many I took, did not do the chandelier justice. Honestly one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen in my life. The entire booth was just gorgeous.

Sarah Richardson and team got creative and designed a booth in which every piece was covered in her new fabric line by Kravet.  Brilliant and beautiful!

How awesome would it be to water your plants in a gorgeous sink like this? I mean really. (it appears that I took the wrong card for this booth, need to find the correct company name, my apologies)

I just about died when I saw this booth by Simply White.

Para Paints brightened up the grounds with their booth

If you're looking for a pretty faucet or tub filler, Delta Faucet is the place to go. Seriously.



Ikea amazed everyone, everyone. Gold tile, marble counters, chandeliers, I could go on and I will. More later in the week.

Before I leave you, one last photo.  This made me laugh.  Exhausted after two busy days away, I was so excited to crawl into bed....I entered our room and saw this:

At least he put the pillows back on the bed, right?! haha! Hubs, I tell ya. Hilarious.

Happy Monday, friends. Have a good one.



  1. Men just don't quite get throw pillows... my husband does the same thing. Looking forward to seeing more from the show!

  2. That is the best husband attempt at putting the pillows back that I've ever seen. :)

  3. Hahah the pillows!! Glad you had a great time! I'm making sure I'm enjoying this warm weather! ;)

  4. (a) I PVR'd the Grammy's and can't wait to watch while folding my mountains of laundry.

    (b) you look adorable in your winter gear.

    (c) aside from kids, pets + husband I can't keep anything alive in this house... no plants for #casaknol #teachme

    (d) IDS looked amazing!

    (e) hubby's attempt at making the bed, the best!

    you da best - xo


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