Pink Forever

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I am so smitten with blue and pink lately, in our house and in fashion too!

A few weeks ago I spotted this peacoat in Banana Republic's sale section.  I hummed and hawed and then of course, BR offered their 50% off and I decided to go for it!  Though the jacket isn't as thick as I thought it would, it's made of melton wool aka it's super soft and it's warm.  It will be perfect for running errands (remember, I'm that girl who very much dislikes overheating when running errands!), no heavy winter jackets for me (unless it's minus a zillion out of course!).

This week is feeling rather long, I'm exhausted!  Perhaps it's from all of the shovelling we did over the weekend?! haha!

Hope you're having a fantastic week so far!



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