Look Ma, I'm On Tv! Well, Sorta.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's kind of hard to believe that IDS14 was already two weeks ago!  It was so fun to recap the show and revisit the booths through writing the posts (here, here and here) and looking at the photos.

I also enjoyed Mark Challen & Suzanne Dimma's IDS14 Highlight Video.  As I was watching, I spotted the lovely LeAnne and thought "I saw her in that exact same spot". Then a second later, what do you know...there I am!  Well, my back and it's only for 1.01 seconds, but you know, it's me, it's me!

I encourage you to watch the video (not for my cameo) because they truly do highlight some great pieces and booths (some that I didn't even see while there, can't believe it) and it's always a treat to see things in video vs photos.

You can view the video here . Okay, if you are watching for the cameo, it's around the 2:38 mark, but don't blink, cause you'll miss it!



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