I Have A Secret To Share and A Delicious Souvlaki Style Pork Tenderloin with Mixed Veggies Recipe For You!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Well, I'm pretty excited to share this post with you all!  As I mentioned last week, I've been keeping a little secret, though, you may have an idea as to what it is if you've clicked on the badge to the right.

I'm happy to share that I am a contributor to the Canadian Living (CL) Voices Network as a blogger!  This is honestly such an amazing opportunity that I'm ever so thankful for.  I absolutely love to blog and to share what's inspiring me and to inspire my readers.  I love what Canadian Living is all about and just so happy to be able to collaborate with them.  The post topics will vary and won't only be recipes.  I will be sharing a little more about what this means in the coming weeks, promise!  I will continue to share posts about interior decor and how my home decor is coming along, don't worry, those aren't going anywhere, the CL posts will be in addition to my regular posts. 

So today, I have a fun post!  The CL team shared their March Cover recipe with me to try out.  To be totally honest, I'm one of those people who rotates through the same 5-6 dinner meals each week (bad, I know), so when this opportunity came up, I was all over it and I'm pretty sure I saw hubs do a fist pump when I told him I was going to try out a new recipe for dinner.  Don't get me wrong, I love to cook, really, I do....I just don't venture outside of my comfort zone all that often.

This month's recipe is Souvlaki-Style Pork Tenderloin with Mixed Vegetables and can be found here.  I've made pork tenderloin before and it was okay, but this one was really and truly absolutely delicious and I can't lie, the way it looked after being cooked made me look like I was a pro in the kitchen, ha! Seriously, I really did surprise myself!  Pretty funny.  I was a little concerned about the oregano, thinking it might be a little overpowering, but that wasn't the case at all.

All of the ingredients are readily available (bonus) and you may just have many of them in  your cupboard or fridge already!  I loved that the meal not only required few dishes, but that it was ready in less than an hour.  I don't know about you, but the time from when the kids get home from school to when dinner is served can be so unbelievably hectic at our house, so it's a treat if you're not stuck washing a slew of dishes or slaving over the stove on top of everything else.

We enjoyed the meal with a side of rice.  I'm such a rice lover...hubs, not so much, but I can easily add a side of rice to almost any meal.   Though there wasn't any meat leftover, we did have some veggies leftover, which I enjoyed the next day with - you guessed it - rice. So good! ha!

I honestly can't recommend this recipe enough, I think you could easily incorporate other veggies if you wanted to and you could even add another pork tenderloin if you're having people over.  Any recipe that can make me look like a kitchen veteran deserves some type of award!  If you do give it a go, please let me know!


*sponsored (but totally my own opinions)


  1. Congrats on the gig! And I will have to try out the recipe. I used to find pork tenderloin ok but realized the key, it to use a meat thermometer!

  2. So exciting, Julie!! I knew amazing things were ahead for you. Looks delicious! And I have to admit, I am definitely one of those who rotates within the same meals too, so I will have to try this one out!!

  3. Looks delicious! I'll definitely give it a try - we love veggies! Congratulations on your new endeavor!! :-)

  4. Yay! what an exciting opportunity, Julie!! Well deserved, my friend. I'm excited to follow you along. I'm always looking for new recipes, this one sounds amazing!

  5. مركز القاعات إنّ البدء بتنظيم العفش والأغراض في القاعات من أصعب الموضوعات في عمليّة الانتقال، ولكن لتيسير هذا يلزم البدء في القاعات الأقل استعمالاً، وتوضع كل الغايات في صناديق مكتوب عليها اسم القاعة، والمحتويات المتواجدة فيها، ولترتيب الملابس من الأجود استعمال الأكياس السّاحبة للهواء، والتي تتسّع للكثير من الملابس والأغطية ولكنّها لا تأخذ حيّزاً كبيراً، ومن الهام أن يوضع جدولاً يبيّن الممارسات التي يلزم القيام بها أثناء الأيّام التي تسبق الانتقال لعدم حدوث أية مشكلات غير محسوبة. مركز الملفات والأوراق المهمّة يتكبد العديد من الناس من فقدان الملفات والأوراق المهمّة في عمليّة الانتقال؛ لهذا يلزم أولاً نسخ جميع تلك الأوراق والاحتفاظ بالنّسخ في وعاءٍ خاص، والأوراق الأصليّة في وعاءٍ آخر، ومن الأجود أن توجد تلك الصّناديق مع الشّخص إلى أن ينتهي من عمليّة الانتقال كلّها. التخلّص من النّفايات وللتقليل من الغايات التي لا يُستفاد منها، من الأجود التخلّص منها أولاٍ بأوّل، وعدم ترك أية بلبلة في القاعة أو خارج البيت.
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    شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الاردن


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