Over the long weekend we finally went out for a bike ride with a stop by the river to do a little exploring. It feels like it's been forever since we've done this (probably because it has!). The kids' sporting activities have taken up quite a bit of time, which is truly bittersweet. We love love love to watch them play, they love love love to play, but gosh time sure does fly!
After a few good rainstorms our phlox just couldn't stand up to the pounding for of the raindrops. That's okay though, it gave me a good reason to make a beautiful flower arrangement.
Next week I'm off on an exciting work trip, I can't wait to share all of the details! Next month I'll be working on a few projects around the house and I'm also working behind the scenes to launch something that I've been putting off for way too long. So get ready, September is going to be fun!

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