As a long time fan of Sarah Richardson's, you better believe that her latest book, At Home: Sarah Style was on my Christmas list! I promised that I wouldn't open it until Christmas day, but I'm pretty sure that my husband knew full well that I wouldn't be able keep that promise! Sure enough, a few days before Christmas, I was diving right in, ready to be soak up all of the beauty that the pages held!
The book is absolutely stunning and inspiring from front to cover. It's filled with gorgeous photos (taken by Stacey Brandford and there are even photos that have never been seen before!) and text. The tours include an array of homes in a variety of locations. From urban settings, to dreamy cottage country, to peaceful farmland.
The beautiful home tours are followed by forty-five delicious recipes for every season! The recipes include light salads, yummy breakfast ideas, baked goods and even turkey dinner!
At Home: Sarah Style, is a lovely read. If you haven't taken time to flip through the pages, I highly recommend that you do. I've gotta say that it's also makes a beautiful addition to any coffee table!
Have a great day, friends!

So nice pics !!