Canadian Living June Cover Recipe: Char Siu-Style Ribs

Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's Thursday, which means that the weekend is almost here and let me tell you, this month's Canadian Living cover recipe may just be on your weekend menu after you see it!

One word:  Ribs.

Oh my goodness, yes!  I love ribs, but I typically stick to either bbq sauce or some type of honey glaze.  So I was pretty interested to see how this style of ribs would taste.   It's safe to say that the recipe did not disappoint, the entire family really enjoyed this one!

The recipe:  Char Style Siu Ribs.  I have to tell you I wasn't even sure what char siu-style even tasted like or meant, but what I can tell you is that it's so good!

What I loved: the fact that you can prep the sauce ahead of time and that you can easily re-heat the entire meal.  The ribs need to marinade for 12-24 hrs, so you do need to plan ahead of time, but the sauce prep time was minimal and the steps were simple and easy to follow.

The recipe called for few ingredients.  Easy to follow + minimal ingredients = win, win!  I also learned how to peel ginger...did you know you can easily peel the skin off with the edge of a spoon?  Yup, true.

The flavour was tasty, but not overwhelming (even with all of the garlic).  I'm pretty sure that I over-blended the sauce as it was a little on the watery side.  So next time I will definitely puree it a little less.  Otherwise, it turned out so well.  (I chose to not use the grenadine)

After marinating the ribs in the fridge, you then cook them in the oven for just under 2hrs (be prepared for your house to smell fantastic!) after which you throw them on the bbq.  

But!  You also have the option of letting the ribs cool completely after cooking them in the oven and then re-heating them on the bbq whenever you are ready to dig in.  So to have a meal that takes under 15 mins (if you choose to cook them before hand) is so awesome.

I'm truly all for this recipe.  Great for an upcoming party, perfect for a family dinner.  Our kids play baseball in the late spring/early summer months and we don't have much time from when they get home from school to when we have to leave for the baseball field.  So I'm thinking that this meal will be great since I can cook the ribs in the oven during the day and then throw them on the bbq as soon as the kids get home and they will be ready within 15 mins.

You can find the recipe here on the Canadian Living website and read what other CL bloggers thought about it here.  Mmmmm, ribs...


*sponsored but opinions are completely my own


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