Our Tabletop Christmas Tree.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tabletop trees have always had a special place in my heart, those, flocked trees and super skinny & tall christmas trees.

Last year we didn't have a tree in the family room, which I totally didn't like. So this year I was determined to have some type of tree in there, which is where we usually hang out vs the living room where the main tree is.  I didn't have any plans to get fussy and have a slew of decorations, I wanted something simple to go with the room's decor.

The tabletop tree has been quite popular this year and I am totally on board.  I absolutely love how Abby styled hers.  She pretty much gave me the push that I needed to get one for our house.

I decided to place it in a vintage maple syrup bucket and I'm loving how the two work together.  For decorations, I used one single strand of gold beads and voila!

Do you have a few trees throughout your home?



  1. Julie! Thank you so much for the mention. I just love seeing pics of your home on Instagram and I'm thrilled you were inspired. Your tree looks fabulous. xo, Abby

  2. So fun! We bought a tiny fake tree years ago and I busted it out this year in a little holiday scape in the dining room :) There's something so sweet about tiny ornaments and decor! xo


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