A Busy Week

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My goodness time is passing quickly! I can't believe I haven't posted since the 22nd!

The past week flew by. My husband was finally home for more than a few days and we kept busy getting things done around the house. We ordered three yards of dirt to use in my gardens and on the lawn, re-caulked one of the tubs in the house, we are in the midst of re-painting the house (if only we could find the right colour!) among other things! Now the rains have arrived, my husband is yet again gone away, and the kids and I stuck indoors....by choice. It's nice to sit and relax a bit after a wild week!

The shop is closed temporarily as I wait for my husband to return home. It's just too much right now, trying to keep things afloat with the shop while taking care of the kiddos and house on my own.

No worries though, I shall open it back up again next Saturday.

Can you believe it's the end of May?! Unreal! Only one more month of school! I have to admit, I'm looking forward to sleeping in during the week again, even if sleeping in means getting up at 7am instead of 6:30am! It's just nice waking up and taking your time to get ready.....ahhhh, it will be lovely.

So, what have you been up to this past week? I've practically taken a unintentional break from blogs, lots of reading to do!


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