I have to say that though 2017 definitely threw a few unexpected curve balls, it was a great year in terms of growth, blogging and more. I mentioned on Instagram that you learn from the good and the bad and that I'll take those lessons and I'll put them in my back pocket for 2018.
I thought it would be fun to kick off 2018 by sharing my favourite home/show from 2017 plus a few items that I loved!
Okay, I have to 100% start with Sarah Richardson's latest show, Sarah off the Grid. I have each episode recorded and have watched the finale about a dozen times, if not more. It's just that good! The show aired on HGTV Canada and it truly was a joy to watch. Not only because it was beautifully designed, but because it was a dream come true for Sarah and her family, a well deserved dream come true. That in itself is amazing and the gratitude was so apparent. One of my favourite lines was when Sarah's husband, Alex, said something along the lines of how they can go to the house and "just be". Ahhh...so good.
Sarah has been my favourite designer for as long as I can remember, needless to say, having her back on HGTV Canada was the biggest gift! I could share every photo here, because I honestly loved each and every well thought out design, but I'll just share a few. You can see photos of the entire home here.
And if those photos aren't enough, take a look at this one that Sarah posted on her personal Instagram page from the holidays. Just breathtaking!
Before I go, I also wanted to share links to a few items that I discovered in 2017 and absolutely loved!
I was introduced to Vancouver Candle Co towards the end of last year. This Vancouver based company was founded and is ran by Nick Rabuchin. I had the opportunity to test out The North candle and was completely blown away by the beautiful scent and how well the scent carried throughout the entire house. I love everything about this company, from the product to the branding to the person and team behind the products! You can check out the entire line here.
I added Ole Henriksen products to my daily routine and I'm obsessed. My favourites are the Truth Serum, Pure Truth Activating Oil and the Fountain of Truth Facial Water (use this first, before olds, lotions, etc).
I wear my Birdie Slippers daily. Whenever I'm in the house, they are on my feet. So comfy and stylish too! Can't go wrong!
If you're looking for a delicious chilli recipe, I highly recommend this one! We've made it twice and it was absolutely amazing!
And if you're making chilli, then you'll need fresh dinner rolls. This is another no-fail recipe! Careful, the dough may be sticky when you take it out of the bread machine. I like to have a bowl of flour on standby to stick my hands in if need be.
Today marks my first day of work in 2018. I'm kicking it off on social by announcing a project that I'm crazy excited and thankful to be tackling. You can find out what it is here.
And lastly, thank you so so much for your continued support. It means the world to me that you take the time to check in.

Ez az egyik első generációs Breitling karóra, amelynek az új (ismét) Breitling logója aviator szárnyak nélkül van.rolex replika A számlap szimmetrikus az alkalmazott, csiszolt órajelzőkkel és egy dátum-ablakkal, amely 6 órakor van. A tárcsa általánosságban kifinomult, és a tárcsa csiszolt elemei jól működnek, mivel a tárcsa fölött lévő kissé kupolás zafírkristály annyira jól van AR-bevonattal ellátva, hogy általában nem tükrözi.replika órák Ha a kristály nem lenne olyan jól adaptálva ehhez a számlaphoz, akkor megduplázódnánk a vakító helyzet, ami olcsóbb megjelenést eredményezne. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy az óragyűjtők elképzelni tudják ezeket az órákat (amelyek közül sok sokkal drágább,replika óra mint ez a Superocean Heritage II B20 Automatic 42).