You guys, we had our very first snowfall yesterday! Oh goodness, I did all I could to resist playing Christmas tunes! Yes, I just said that! Instead, I went out to source a few things for upcoming projects and while at HomeSense, I spotted a great selection of clearance Halloween decor. I decorated the kitchen a little bit prior to the kids getting home from school. We'll have to tackle outside this weekend.
I've decided that now is the time to get started on the laundry room. We are in desperate need of organization and storage in this multifunctional space. It's LONG overdue. You can see what I have in mind here. I'd like to have some open shelving above the sink and then cabinets above the washer and dryer. I currently have my eye on IKEA cabinets or this line of ready-made cabinets from Lowe's. I'm trying to decide if I want to go with white cabinetry or grey. So hard to choose!
Before I go, here are this week's links!
- Almost time to roast some pumpkin seeds!
- Did you know that HomeSense is now carrying tile (and apparently wallpaper too!). It's true, here's the proof!
- Loving Lauren Conrad's home in the hills!
- A crazy awesome (and genius) way to make a knitted pie crust!
- This kitchen is rather dreamy, isn't it?
- Speaking of kitchens, this one also deserves a holla!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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