Braid It....To the Side.

Monday, September 8, 2014

It's funny, I'm beginning to really notice that I'm not very adventurous when it comes to how I style my hair or when choosing outfits.  It doesn't really bother me, for the most part, but there are times when I do think "why haven't I ever tried that".

Enter the side-braid.  I know the side-braid isn't anything new, but I never even thought of trying this hairstyle.  Perhaps it's because my hair was never long enough, but for whatever reason, I'd never considered it as a option when doing my locks.

Then I spotted Holly's gorgeous side-braid and then Kelsea's, and that was it, I had to give it a try.

My locks aren't nearly as long as theirs, but oh-my-goodness, this is 100000% going to be my new didn't-wash-my-hair/curls-not-working-with-me/no-time-to-do-my-hair, do!

So, do you rock the side-braid?  I'm guessing yes, but give it to me anyhow by leaving a comment below!



  1. My hair is growing out and still too short to put into a side braid. I love the look though! Can't wait to try once I grow out my curls!

  2. This is my GO TO. It's perfect for those no-time-to-wash-my-hair days or those last-night's-top-knot-has-left-a-million-kinks-in-my-hair days ;)

  3. Love it but I'm getting a pixie cut tomorrow!

  4. It really suits you! Also your eyes are beautiful :)

  5. I honestly believe that plain tees are such staples! Gorgeous and I love your hair!
    Head over today for a fun giveaway and office reveal!

  6. Such a cute and simple hairdo, especially for those days where you're running late!

    Blush Confetti


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