Christmas Holiday Decorating. Tablescapes, A Touch Of Sequins and Texture.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Good morning!

When it comes to the Christmas holidays, I start decorating early.  Yes, I'm one of those people.  Starting at the beginning of November, each time I go down to the basement, a decoration makes it's way back upstairs with me.  I can't resist.

The banister is fully decorated as is the console in the hallway.  The family room, living room and dining room are all works in progress.  I've decided that I'm kind of over most of our decorations, it's time for some new pieces, so I'm basically starting from scratch. I always thought that we had a slew of decorations but then as I was pulling them out of their bins this year I literally said "that's it".  Hmmm.  No bueno.

For the living & dining rooms, the plan is plaid and sequins.  Oh goodness, I'm excited about this one!

Okay, I am so so so bad with sharing sneak peeks, I just can't help myself!  So today, I will share a few sneak peeks and then that will be that until the full reveal.  I plan on once again sharing our tablescape, so look for that post in the coming weeks.

It's all a work in progress so things may not look just like this for the reveal, just so ya know!

Living and dining rooms:

With the living & dining rooms being all about glitz and glam, I've chosen to tone it down, way down for the family room.  The fireplace is in there and we do use the room as a true family room.  Tv shows & movies are watched while cuddling under cozy blankets and I love that! So for this room, it will be all about texture, neutral tones and comfy cozy.  I haven't gotten too far with this room yet as I've been focusing on the living & dining rooms.

This poor little guy has some rust marks....but no worries, nothing that a little dab of paint can't fix!

There you have it! The holidays have officially arrived here and I wouldn't change a thing!

How about you? Have you started too?



  1. Wow! I never get my act together early enough and just end up throwing the exact same decor up ever year at the last minute. Looking good so far! I love the sequin/plaid combo.


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