Fast forward a few years, when the lines start to slowly creep in and you think back to that moment when you were sure you'd never be "that person" and all of a sudden your top google search is "anti-wrinkle moisturizers". ha! Of course....I'm pretty certain that the make up artist called this one years ago!
I will be the first to admit that it's an investment and one that I wasn't so sure about in the beginning. But I took the leap and gave one a try and immediately "got it". I can also admit that it does pain me to spend that kind of money on a jar of moisturizer (the size of an apple lol), but good heavens does it ever make a difference in how I feel and look, so to me, it's worth it.
I've tried a few different types over the years and today I'm sharing my thoughts on each:
1- Estée Lauder Advanced Time Zone was a purchase I made after I had tried Philosophy's Anti-Wrinkle Miracle Worker cream. Truth be told, I was looking for a great deal at Winners when I stumbled upon this moisturizer, so I gave it a try after reading the amazing reviews. I was absolutely shocked by how well this moisturizer worked and loved that it has SPF 15. Not only did it do a great job with creases/lines, but it also gave my skin an amazing glow, so glad I gave it a try! It is a higher price point.
2- Shiseido was another purchase I made when there was a great sale happening. This moisturizer is also on the higher price point, but again, it's that old get what you paid for. This lotion is thicker than that of the Estée Lauder, and didn't leave my skin with the same "glow" as the EL brand, but it certainly leaves my skin hydrated.
3- I have to say that I hadn't heard of this brand before (but how great is the branding?!), the reason I gave it a try was because I had received a sample when I made a purchase at Sephora. First off, this stuff smells amazing! It has an interesting texture, slightly goopy. I used it at night and loved it! It went on brilliantly and was a great combo with the Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone.
4- This was the first moisturizer that I purchased that cost more than $20 and the one that made me understand exactly why it's a good investment. The only thing I didn't like was that it didn't always offer enough hydration for my skin, so I would have a few dry patches here and there, but I'd just apply more as needed. I realized soon after that the anti-wrinkle miracle worker was what I was really after! aka this is not meant to help with the "signs of aging".
5- This moisturizer made me realize that a facial moisturizer could truly help reduce the visibility of wrinkles. It wasn't anything substantial, but it certainly soften the lines. Again, I used this one along with the night cream (6) and I found the two together to be a wonderful thing.
6- I had tried two versions of this moisturizer and much preferred the one that came with the beads that you mix into the lotion. I'm not sure if they still offer that option or not, but if you can find it, I'd buy it over the regular version. Not that there's anything wrong with the regular version, but I found the one that has the beads to be better for my skin type.
7- Funny but true story, I bought this moisturizer thinking it was the day cream and didn't realize until after I opened the package that alas, it was not lol! So I got to use is anyhow. It's a very lightweight cream that is meant to give your skin a "detox" while sleeping, not to help with lines. I do like it, but I'm not sure that I would buy it over their nighttime moisturizer, which I use in combination with this.
8- I know that this isn't a face lotion, but it's new to me and I wanted to share. I prefer to add some make up beneath my eyes and this you guys is so incredibly lightweight it's perfect! You don't need much at all, a small dab is all you need....a little goes way more than a long way! I honestly think that this tube will expire before I use all of it, that's how little you need to use, but totally worth a try.
9- I'm not quite sure when I will no longer love the look of a good highlight above my cheek bone, and I can tell you 100% that I'll be using this product until that day arrives. It goes on like a cream and blends in beautifully. Again, I use it beneath my eyes to make them look a little more awake and for a soft glow. I've gone through three of these tubes in about a year or so.
That's it! None of the above moisturizers completely got rid of the lines on my face (shout out to the one between my eyes, right above my nose...sigh), nor do I believe that they ever would, but they did make them a little less harsh shall we say and they did minimize pores. Remember that everyone's skin type is different as well as what you're looking for in a moisturizer. But having a little feedback never hurts. I did take the long road in that I tried a lot of moisturizers over the years to finally know which ones I like. The only problem about finding them at great deals is that then you're hooked! lol
Do you have a favourite anti-wrinkle moisturizer? I'd love to know!

This is a personal review of the above products. I can not guarantee that you will have the same results as myself. I purchased each of these on my own, this post is not sponsored.
So great post about skin care. I need to learn about the best private label skin care manufacturers to start my own. Please give me any suggestion.