The Tree...It's Here!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh yes, happy day indeed.  Friday was delivery day and Friday was a day that made me smile!

It sometimes amazes me how excited I can get over the simplest things.  I think our neighbours are  probably happy that the tree has been delivered and is in the ground because honestly, they are probably so sick of hearing me talk about it! ha!

The decision to purchase the mature tree was made and so we headed back to the nursery and placed a "sold" sign on mother natures piece of perfection.

We had a few issues with the placement of the tree, my poor husband had to move the hole over about 3 feet, which was no easy task (so happy he loves me! haha).  Deciding on a design for the garden also took some time.  We went with a simple kidney shape and have added some large rocks and grasses to fill in the rest of the space.

The tree is in the ground and has made such a difference to the look of the house.  What I love most is how you can see it from all of the windows at the front of the house, no matter which one you are looking out of.

One of my favourite parts of the tree planting was how a little bird took a seat on a branch literally a second after we put the tree in it's place!  I screamed like a little kiddo!  It honestly made my day....take a peek:

Priceless, right?

Can I tell you just how much I've been loving my Hunter boots?  Honestly, don't know what I would have done without them the past couple of weeks.  I'm now looking to purchase some Welly socks.  I'm leaning towards these ones to help keep my toes toasty warm during the winter months.  I highly recommend these bad boy Wellies as they have done me good!

Happy Monday, friends.  I hope you enjoy one awesome week!



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