Road Trip and Straight Hair

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This past weekend we hit the road and headed home for a few days.  The main reason was to celebrate the eldest kiddos birthday with our families.  We enjoyed some go-karting (I would have totally ruled the roads if I had a functioning about unfair advantage!), some family time and of course, some shopping since the shopping here isn't all that fantastic...and that's putting it nicely.

Let me recap with a few pics from our getaway and a few others from earlier that week, kay?

Love these boots, the hidden wedge is fab

up close picture of the layers and necklace 

road trip outfits have to be comfortable.  oh, and straight hair.  finally, no humidity, so straightening the locks is once again an option (just wish it didn't take me so long to do it).

 ahhh, Zara, you are great.  First Zara purchase eva!

we were spoiled with glorious weather while we were away.  precious cuddles, priceless. 

And I can't end this post without talking about the lovely Christine's #projectscarlett.  Have you been following?  Oh-my-goodness.  Honestly, I'm going bonkers over everything she's chosen and how her amazing designer/decorating brain works.  She's one talented cookie and I can't wait, wait, wait to see the room finished.  So thankful that she's sharing sneak peeks, they have given me the boost I need to get a move on our house.  Speaking of which, yes, updates and photos are coming, I promise!

Happy Tuesday, friends.  Make it a great week!



  1. Oh my're the sweetest! Thank you so so much for the lovely mention:)))) xoxo

    1. you're so very welcome, Christine! I'm absolutely loving #projectscarlett like there's no tomorrow!

  2. Lovely blog!

    Now following.

    xx, Martha

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Emily! I bought the polka dot linen tee that I'm wearing in the last picture. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get to a store and now I can't wait to go back!!!


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