Behind The Scenes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So yesterday I posted some photos of the latest clutch.  Remember this one?

Well what you don't see is what's happening "behind the scenes".  Quick catch up.  I was using the timer on the camera and because I was focusing it before I stood at the wall, there wasn't anything to focus it on.  I then asked kiddo #2 if he could stand there for me and then once I said go, if he could jump to the side.  He was more than happy to help out (and was the perfect height for focusing the camera).

So we took the photos, all went well and then I came to the computer to edit them.  I laughed so hard!

This is what I saw:

He is honestly one of the funniest kids I know.  He is always humming a tune (literally) and comes up with the most hilarious one liners.  So I should have known that he was up to something classic like this!

Kiddos, seriously, they crack-me-up!



  1. Haha! Such a ham! I love it. My kiddoes would do the same. Awesome.

  2. too funny! thanks for sharing.

  3. what a cute ham! Maybe you should occasionally work him into the picture somehow! Although if he's like my son, he'll want to get paid.

  4. I was honestly laughing so hard! so totally him to do something like that! we took a few more pics today and they were even better! what a guy!

  5. That's reality right there! What a cutie! I would have been dying laughing as well! :)

  6. Oh my gosh I love it. He is a funny kid. I like him.


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