I'm so sorry for being MIA, I've been way better at posting on Instagram (guilty of taking the easier route I suppose) so if you're not following me there, be sure to take a peek here!
So, what's been happening since May you ask?! Life has been busy, but a good kind of busy. The kids have been enjoying playing soccer and baseball, we've enjoyed watching them play, but there have only been a few days that we've been able to come up for air if you know what I mean! lol. I keep saying it's busy and exhausting, but it's so much fun! There's nothing better than seeing your little ones having an absolute blast playing a sport that they love.
Around the house I have been editing things here and there. I haven't tackled any major projects, but I've been making small changes to bring our home's decor to where I'd like it to be. I've removed piping from the dining room chairs (photos to come), swapped pillows in the living room, taken down & put up new art, little things like that.
One room that got a bit of a heavier makeover was my office. Truth be told, all I really did was move the location of the desk, but that small change has made a huge difference! I now have a place to hang my straw hats and the room feels much airier and roomier (my new goal for our house, airier feel in every room please!).
More "life lately" moments in photos:
I spoke about the counters over our laundry machines on instagram lately. I knew I wanted to install cabinets over the machines for a variety of reasons (the trim is removable for the times that we need to access the machines), but I didn't realize just how much I'd appreciate the large counter space. It's the perfect size for sorting & folding clothes and because of that, I'm more likely to actually fold clothes as soon as the dryer is done, which is awesome!
It's a really big deal in our house when there isn't one single piece of baseball equipment sitting in our entry way! I documented that moment by snapping this photo! Pssst...you can also see a bit of the pillows that I swapped in for the pink ones in our living room ;)
Something that I absolutely love about the summer months is being able to go out back and clip flowers to bring indoors. It honestly brings me so much joy. Puttering around the yard, selecting blooms to put together in a vase for each room. When designing the laundry room, I knew that this would be where I would rinse and make flower arrangements, so thankful for this space!
One of my wonderful friends gifted me this amazing insulated wine glass to use outside during the summer months. Seriously the best gift ever! It keeps my chardonnay cool and the lid has a sliding closure, so that no bugs get into your glass! You can get your own here.
A few weeks ago we had an unexpected Saturday off due to rain. We all took complete advantage by max relaxing. My spot of choice....the family room!
Summer is typically a quiet time here on the blog as we enjoy the beautiful weather and spending time together as a family, but I promise to not go another 2+ months before posting again!
Cheers friends!