I feel as though I'm once again neglecting my blogging buddies, I'm sorry. This girl who typically doesn't even consider a nap during the day to be an option has wanted nothing more than to take several naps throughout the day. Exhausted. There's been a lot to do, a lot going on, but hopefully we will tackle much of our to do list this weekend.
We are going to get started on our front walkway.
Only we would have asphalt in the middle, not paving stones, we wanted to flank the sides and top of the driveway in paving stones. Well, I apparently didn't do my homework so well, because "oh it will cost about this much" quickly turned into "it will cost HOW much?!". Yeah. Long story short, I'm slightly bummed, but we have decided to only do the walkway itself. I'm happy with the design, but it would have been so awesome to go ahead with our original plan.
The other tough decision was which stone to go with and what colour. Good heavens there are a lot of choices and combos! I find that I'm not very good at making decisions without seeing things in place or together first. We are going with the same stone that is used in the photo above and have chosen to go with a dark charcoal stone to border everything instead of red. Done. Hoping to order it and delivered today to start tomorrow.
Then we will be tackling the footings for the new deck in the backyard. We are getting there.
I'll leave you with two things that made me smile yesterday. Seeing the beautiful irises in our yard blooming, they are my absolute favourite. My MIL transplanted some from her garden for me to plant in ours. Adore.
Then after being caught in a downpour during kiddo 2's baseball game (which was quickly cancelled) we headed over to the ice cream shoppe to indulge in our favourite summer treat. We were greeted by the most beautiful rainbow when we exited the building. Great way to end the day.
Have a fantastic weekend, friends! What are you getting up to?